Helicopter Links


Helicopter Links Media Information

Helicopter Links is a worldwide directory of helicopter information.

End of Article Verbiage | Helicopter Links Logos

How to Write Helicopter Links
Our company name is written as two words: Helicopter Links. (Please remember to add the "s" to "link", hence: Helicoper Links.) Pre-made Helicopter Links logos are available further down this web page.

There is no acronym for Helicopter Links except in our logo. We never write "HL", instead we write Helicopter Links. Thank your for your help on this.

For print: We'd appreciate if you'd include our web address www.helicopterlinks.com in the body of the article or at the end of articles—in all lowercase letters and without any underline. Thanks.

For the web: We'd prefer that Helicopter Links always be spelled as two words and linked to our homepage here: http://www.helicopterlinks.com/. If we may add one more request. At the end of your online article, would you please consider including our website and link it to our home page something like this: Visit: www.helicopterlinks.com

Official Company Name Information

Our official business name is Helicopter Links.

End of Article Verbiage

If you prefer to add some company information at the end of an article, here is our current company statement.

About Helicopter Links:
Based in San Diego, California, USA, Helicopter Links is a comprehensive, easy-to-navigate international directory of helicopter manufactures, professional associations, publications, trade shows, air shows and museums. Helicopter Links does not require a membership or login and is free to use by anyone, 24/7 at no charge. Helicopter Links has been online since December 2002.

Helicopter Links Home Page: www.helicopterlinks.com

Facebook: https://twitter.com/HelicopterLinks
(We post selected helicopter, electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), hybrid-electric VTOL, scientific & human interest articles and information on Facebook.)

Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/HelicopterLinks
(We post selected helicopter, electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), hybrid-electric VTOL, scientific & human interest articles and information on Twitter.)

Professional Association:
Helicopter Links is a member of the Vertical Flight Society.

Helicopter Links Logos

When using a Helicopter Links logo in a news aritlce or on your website, we would appreciate it if you link these graphics to our homepage, http://www.helicopterlinks.com/. Thank you in advance!

If you need a logo resized or for print, please email your specifications to: staff@helicopterlinks.com

alt="Helicopter Links" title="Helicopter Links"

Helicopter Links

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Helicopter Links

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Helicopter Links

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Helicopter Links Helicopter Links

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If you need logo resized or for print, please email your specifications to: staff@helicopterlinks.com


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— Member: Vertical Flight Society